The Residency Incentive Program offers $105,000 to primary care residents in a 3-year residency and $140,000 to those in a 4-year residency program, in exchange for an equal length commitment to serve in a rural area or with an underserved population in Tennessee.
The program is competitive, and number of incentives awarded will vary each year depending upon available funding and the number of applicants.
We don't stipulate how you can spend the money, just as we don't stipulate where you must practice. Residents may find their own practice location, with approval from TCWD. Contact us if you need assistance finding a practice site.
Approved practice sites for the service commitment are not limited to health professional
shortage areas, but must be located in rural or urban underserved areas and see TennCare patients.
It is preferred that urban underserved sites see at least 30% TennCare and/or uninsured patients.
This project is funded by the State of Tennessee.
Application Cycle and Award Disbursement
Applications may be submitted at any time by current residents not in their final year.
Residents in their final year must submit their fully completed application by December 31. The Residency Incentive Committee only meets once per quarter and will announce awards shortly after they are approved.
Award disbursement begins the quarter following TCWD's receipt of a signed Residency Incentive Agreement.The award is disbursed in quarterly payments of $8,750 ($35,000 a year) until the total incentive amount is reached.
Contact Allison Smith at or 615.401.7463 for more details.
$35,000 a year - up to $140,000 - based on length of residency
Get money while you are still in residency.
Federal and State Incentives are available to you as well.
Year for Year Service
Service commitments will be to serve underserved populations in Tennessee. Your obligation is one year of service for each year of incentive payments.
Serving or open to serving TennCare Patients
Unlike state or federal programs, your practice site does not have to be located in a HPSA (health professional shortage area) & we can help you find a site of your choice!
Eligible primary care specialties include: Family Medicine, Pediatrics, Internal Medicine, Internal Medicine/Pediatrics, Obstetrics/Gynecology, and Psychiatry.
Other specialties, such as general surgery or hospitalist, may be considered depending upon the need in the community in which the clinician will practice.
"Like many medical students I have had to take out federal and personal loans to make ends meet. The stipend has allowed me to pay off the bulk of my loans and eased my family’s transition out of residency into practice."
-John Busigin, MD
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